Our Next Performance

Friday 22nd November at 7pm –  St Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico, SW1V 2AD

St Cecilia’s Day Concert

with Gavin Roberts – Organ and Piano


Elgar – The Music Makers – with Lorna Perry, Mezzo-Soprano

Howells – Requiem

Roxanna Panufnik – Elegy for Fadima (London première)

Parry – I was glad

Download and share the St Cecilia flyer 


Doors open 6.15pm – refreshments available 

Pre-concert talk 6.30pm – with Roxanna Panufnik

Tickets: £20 (£10 Adult & U30 Concessions, U12 Free) from (plus booking fee)

and £25/£12 on the door

A note about our ticketing policy for this concert:

JCS is committed to reaching the widest audience possible.

We now offer a ‘Standard’ price ticket for those who have access to a regular disposable income or savings and can afford this ticket price.

Our ‘Adult Concession’ and ‘Youth U30 Concession’ rates are offered to those who need a concession to make joining our audience affordable.

For accompanied children aged under 12yrs, admission is FREE.


Past performances


7th September – Jewin Chapel, Presbyterian Church of Wales, Barbican, London – concert to celebrate its 250th anniversary.

21st June – ‘Summer Schemes’ – St. Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico. Stanford – Motets & Part-songs; Holst – Folksong arrangements; Zoe Dixon – Seasons Suite; W G Whittaker and Derek Hobbs – Northumbrian Folksong arrangements. Download the concert printed programme: Summer Schemes.

May 2024 – North Northumberland Tour – including works by Parry, Vaughan Williams, Tavener, MacMillan, Casken,  Mäntyjärvi, Reade and Bingham as well as Northumbrian folksong arrangements by Whittaker and Hobbs.

5th May – Transitions’ – St Paul’s RC Church, Alnwick with readings by poet Katrina Porteous. Download the concert printed programme: Transitions

5th May – taster session –  The Alnwick Garden.

4th May – ‘Far from Land’ –  St Mary’s Church, Wooler. 

4th May – taster session – the minstrels’ gallery at Ad Gefrin, Wooler.

22nd March – ‘Salut Printemps!’ –  St. Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico. Debussy, Fauré, Ravel and Poulenc plus 16th century madrigals and drinking songs and Trenet and Piaf medleys. Download the concert printed programme: Salut Printemps!


18th December – ‘A Choral Christmas’ – St. Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico. Christmas music ranging from the Renaissance and German Romantic eras to 20th and 21st century settings, with organist Gavin Roberts. Download the printed programme: A Choral Christmas

16th November – ‘Remembrance’ – St. Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico.  Messa di Requiem – Ildebrando Pizzetti, Memorial for the fallen and lost – John Casken, Libera me – Lajos Bárdos, Beati Quorum Via  – Charles Villiers Stanford, To Autumn – Zoe Dixon, Ave Maris Stella – Jonathan Lane. Link: concert printed programme

23rd June – ‘Boundless’ – St. Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico – works by Byrd, Weelkes, Harris, Walton, John Casken, Paul Reade & Zoe Dixon. Link: concert printed programme

30th March – Rachmaninov & Reger 150th Anniversary –  St. Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico. Rachmaninov Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31,   Reger Acht Geistliche Gesänge, Op. 138. Link: concert printed programme.


16th December  – ‘A Christmas Fantasia’ – St. Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico – including Britten Ceremony of Carols, Vaughan Williams  Fantasia on Christmas Carols, Reade Choruses from Journey of the Winds and new works by Zoe Dixon, Jonathan Lane and Roxanna Panufnik, with Imogen Barford (Harp), Viktoria Goncharova (Organ), Ivan R Deb (Cello) and Francis St. John (Baritone).  Link: concert printed programme

16th October  – Gala Concert at Cadogan Hall celebrating the 75th Birthday of our Music Director, Peter Broadbent and his being awarded an MBE in 2022 New Year Honours. Featured works: Martin – Messe pour double choeur, Poulenc – movements from Figure Humaine and pieces by Michael Tippett, Paul Reade, Jaakko Mäntyjärvi, György Orbán, Toby Young, Bryan Kelly and Zoe Dixon – O come, let us sing to the Lord (world première). Link: concert printed programme

21st July – Ralph Vaughan Williams – 150th Anniversary concert in the St Marylebone Festival – in collaboration with The English Folk Dance and Song Society and the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, with Maz O’Connor (singer), Nicola Lyons (classical violin and folk fiddle) and Gavin Roberts (piano and organ). 

9th July – ‘A Choral Celebration’ – St. Martin’s Church, Dorking. RVW choral settings, including  Lord, Thou hast been our refuge and A vision of Aeroplanes with organist Jeremiah Stephenson, plus works by Holst, Finzi, Havergal Brian, Sarah Cattley and Zoe Dixon (world premiere). Link: concert printed programme

10th May – ‘Symphonies for Voices’ – St Gabriel’s Pimlico. John Rutter Hymn to the Creator of Light, John Tavener Song for Athene, Malcolm Williamson Symphony for Voices and more. Link: concert printed programme

2nd May – ‘Stars and Bars! – Music from the American Songbook’ – All Saints Church, Falmouth, Cornwall. Songs by George & Ira Gershwin, Cole Porter, Rogers & Hart, Stephen Sondheim and more, with saxophone ensemble Saxpak (conductor Steve Sanders) and vocalist Olivia Maffett.

30th April – ‘Symphonies for Voices’ – St Endellion Church, Cornwall. John Rutter Hymn to the Creator of Light, John Tavener Song for Athene, Malcolm Williamson Symphony for Voices and more. Link: concert printed programme

31st March – ‘Towards the Light’ – St Gabriel’s Pimlico. Sacred choral music for Passiontide by Victoris, Roxanna Panufnik and Sir James MacMillan, plus flute and piano duets played by Kate Risdon and Fergus Black.  Link: concert printed programme


4th November – ‘Lux Beata’ – St Gabriel’s Pimlico. Sacred choral music from the 20th and 21st centuries by British composers and by Brahms and Bruckner, plus piano interludes by Brahms and Schubert played by Zoe Dixon. Link: concert printed programme

23rd September – Lionel Segal’s ‘Pictures of Life’ – in the Arts & Crafts Festival 2021, Holy Trinity Church, Sloane Street.

17th July – ‘My Spirit Sang All Day’ – St Gabriel’s, Pimlico.  After such a challenging period for all the performing arts and choral music in particular,  we returned to live ‘in person’ singing with a selection of sacred and secular choral pieces including works by Barber, Byrd, Bruckner, Campkin, Elgar, Farkas, Finzi, Fonseca, Gant, Mendelssohn, Orban and Poulenc. 


25th January – ‘Come and Sing’ workshop – Jonathan Dove The Passing of the Year with Alistair Young, piano and  James MacMillan Miserere, at St James’s Church, Paddington. 


14th November – ‘Fallen’ – Herbert Howells Requiem, Malcolm Williamson Requiem for a Tribe Brother, Kerry Andrew Fall, with Ellis Jones, reader, at St Gabriel’s, Pimlico. Link: Concert printed programme

23rd July – ‘On Wenlock Edge: A Vaughan Williams Celebration’ – RVW’s Mass in G Minor and partsongs, the song cycle On Wenlock Edge, and his Blake Songs for oboe and tenor, with Christopher Bowen, tenor; Clare Hoskins, oboe; The Bell Quartet; Gavin Roberts, piano in the St Marylebone Festival.

20th June – ‘Two Romantics’ – Brahms: Liebeslieder Walzer, Op. 52; Weltliche a cappella Gesänge, Op. 104. Schubert: Fantasia in f minor for piano duet, D940, Op.103; Psalm 23 Gott ist mein Hirt  for women’s voices and piano, D706; with Nigel Clayton & Imma Setiadi, piano, at St James’s Church, Paddington. Link: concert printed programme

25th/26th May – ‘Lux Aeterna’: Songs from darkness to light – Sånger från mörker till ljus. The JCS in Northern Sweden to sing works by Purcell, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninov, Poulenc, Rehnquist and others – Kalix Church, Luleå Cathedral, Råneå Church, Överkalix Church. Link: concert printed programme

25th March – ‘Sing to the Lord’- J S Bach –  Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied; Komm, Jesu, komm; Jonathan Harvey – I Love the Lord,  Forms of Emptiness; Kerry Andrew – Dusk Songs at St James’s Church, Paddington. Link: concert printed programme



7th/8th December – ‘Rejoice and Be Merry!’ – Christmas music for choir and audience – works by Byrd, Sweelinck, Victoria, Mendelssohn, Poulenc, Vaughan Williams and Warlock, plus recent settings by Campkin, Beamish, Carter, Crawford, Wheeler, Stewart and Chilcott.  St Mary the Virgin, Thame/St Mary the Virgin, Twickenham.

18th October Russian Choral Music – works by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Berezovsky, Bortniansky, Cui, Steinberg and Smirnov at St James Sussex Gardens, Paddington.

6th Oct ‘Come and Sing’ Poulenc an open rehearsal ‘Motets Divers‘  exploring examples of the genre by Poulenc including his Quatre motets pour un temps de penitence, Salve Regina and Exultate Deo.

7th/14th July –  ‘Songs for a Summer Evening’ – English Choral Music by Parry,Pearsall, Vaughan Williams, Rutter, Bingham, Campkin and Young –  St Anne’s Church, Kew Green/St Mary’s Church, Oakley.

5th/6th May – St Endellion and Fowey, Cornwall. ‘Setting Sail!’ – A musical voyage to Germany and the Baltic states, featuring works by Brahms, Dambis, Ešenvalds, Kuula, Mäntyjärvi, Miškinis and Pärt, set alongside pieces by Bingham, Parry and Stanford.

5th April – Brandenburg Choral Festival of London at St Martin-in-the-Fields with the Brandenburg Sinfonia. Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine, Requiem, Sicilienne, Nocturne; Franck Panis Angelicus; Saint-Saëns Deux Chorales; Debussy Danse sacrée et Danse profane.

21st February – ‘Miserere Mei’ music for a Penitential season at St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden. World Première of Giles Swayne’s St Sepulchre’s Bell plus the UK Première of Gregory Rose’s Stabat Mater.  Also featuring settings of the Miserere by Allegri, Kodály and Alexander Campkin and other works by Anerio, Palestrina, Tavener, Victoria and  David Mitcham.

9th February  – Brandenburg Choral Festival of London – Miserere settings by Allegri, Kodály and Alexander Campkin at St Martin-in-the-Fields Church.


17th December  – ‘Rejoice and Be Merry!’ – A Christmas entertainment at Ashwell House, London.

30th November – ‘Finland @ 100’ – Part of the official programme celebrating the Centenary of Finland’s Independence. Choral works by Sibelius, Rautavaara and Mäntyjärvi (Finland); Pärt (Estonia); Ešenvalds and Vasks (Latvia); Miškinis and Kairyté (Lithuania); Jackson and Vaughan Williams (Britain) at  St Katharine Cree, London.

21st and 22ndOctober, 4th November – joint performances in Lithuania and London with the ‘Pro Musica’ Choir of Vilnius University, conductor Rasa Gelgotiene – works by Vytautas Miškinis, Lina Kairytė, Gabriel Jackson, Rachmaninov, Algirdas Martinaitis, Giedrius Svilainis, Sir John Tavener, Tarik O’Regan and Sir James MacMillan – at St. John the Baptist and St. John the Apostle and Evangelist Church, Vilnius, Sts Peter and Paul the Apostles Church, Molėtai and St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden.

23rd September – Schoenberg’s Friede auf Erden and Brahms’ Fest- und Gedenksprüche (Opus 109) at St James Church, Paddington.

16th June – ‘Seascapes’ – music by Paul Reade, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Frank Martin, Giles Swayne, Judith Bingham, Charles Stanford, Jaakko Mäntyjärvi, Rhiannon Randle, Ēriks Ešenvalds, Lynne Plowman and Ben Ponniah at St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden.

6th April – Brandenburg Choral Festival – Caldara’s Stabat Mater, Mozart’s Requiem and Misericordias Domini at St Martin-in-the-Fields Church.

23rd March – Kodály’s  Pange Lingua and Missa Brevis; Frank Martin’s Messe pour double choeur at St. Giles’ Cripplegate Church, Barbican.

6th March  – Kodály Celebration Concert at St John’s Smith Square.

3rd March – Zoltán Kodály 50th Anniversary Concert for the Hungarian Cultural Centre at St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden.


10th December – A Concert of Christmas Music with Amersham Music Centre Choirs at Kings Church, Amersham.

7th December  – The Good Housekeeping Christmas Concert – at Grosvenor Chapel.

6th December – Christmas words and music for choir and audience, introduced and narrated by Brian Kay with James Risdon on recorder and Michael Higgins as organist.

20th October – Danse Macabre –  London Danced Première of Toby Young’s Dancing Star with the Torgan Dance Company, Howells Requiem and choral settings from Renaissance Iberia and present-day South America and featuring clarinettist Lloyd Coleman – at St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden.

10th September – Frank Martin’s Mass for Double Choir – a ‘Come and Sing’ workshop at St James’s Paddington.

29th May – Sung Mass at Canterbury Cathedral and outdoor concert featuring folksong settings by Kodály, Bartok, Farkas, Greig and Paul Reade.

30th April – ‘Brahms to the Beatles’ at St Endellion, Cornwall.

7th April – Handel’s Dixit Dominus and Coronation Anthems at St Martin in the Field in the Brandenburg Choral Festival.

14th January – Rachmaninov’s Vespers at St Martin in the Field in the Brandenburg Choral Festival.


19th December –  Handel’s Messiah at St James’s Church, Piccadilly.

12th December – Christmas concert at St Mary’s church, Amersham.

10th December – Carol concert for Good Housekeeping magazine at Grosvenor Chapel, Mayfair.

22nd October – Rachmaninov’s Vespers at St Peter’s Church, Eaton Square.

26th September – Bartok concert for the Hungarian Cultural Centre at St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden.

23rd June – JCS and De Profundis – Voices of London Festival at St James’ Church, Paddington.

21st June – “Magnificat” including music by Victoria, Bruckner, Rachmaninov, Poulenc, Jonathan Harvey, Giles Swayne, Tarik O’Regan and Gabriel Jackson at St Mary’s Church, Twickenham.

27th March – Mozart’s Te Deum and Requiem in C with the Brandenburg Sinfonia in the Brandenburg Choral Festival at St Martin in the Fields.

7th March – JS Bach motets and Rheinberger’s Mass in E Flat – St Sepulchre, Holborn.

19th January – JS Bach Johannes Passion with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in the Valletta Baroque Festival, Malta.